(can't forget the cliche senior portrait)
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I am an avid reader, and have been since I could read my first sentence. I try to read whenever I can, though that is sometimes difficult with the many things I have going on/an array of different hobbies & interests.
I manage to make time though, and usually that time is staying up late reading, when I should be getting my 8+ hours of sleep every night. Ach-hem.
I am a Pre-Nursing major and I can't wait to help people and hopefully travel!
I'm hoping you'll find my website to be a place that inspires you to read, and look forward to seeing updates/reviews from me (hopefully I will at LEAST be updating every other day). I love writing, so that shouldn't be too difficult --- time permitting.
Go ahead and click around my site, and let me know what you think!
Thanks for checking me out ;)
Instagram: @lpdawg_